Publication Ethics
The Legends Journal of European History Studies (LJEHS) is committed to applying publication ethics to the highest standards and to complying with the following principles of publication ethics. These principles are based on recommendations and guidelines developed by ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for journal editors.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The author(s) submitting a study to our journal must comply with the following ethical responsibilities;
The works submitted by the author(s) are expected to be original. If the author(s) benefit from or use other works, they are required to cite and/or cite completely and accurately.
Persons who do not make a qualified contribution to the content in the creation of the work should not be specified as the author.
All studies submitted for publication should be disclosed, if any, and their relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest.
Raw data regarding their articles can be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation processes, in such a case the author(s) should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific committee.
The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or the consent of the experimental subjects.
In the event that the author(s) notices an error or error regarding their published, early appearance or evaluation work, they have an obligation to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing the journal editor or publisher.
Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to our journal.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
Editors and assistant editors working in our journal, open access Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors), Best for Journal Editors published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Based on the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the principles of the Publication Ethics Flow Charts developed by COPE in possible cases of abuse or violation of publication ethics, it will provide the following ethical duties and responsibilities:
Impartiality and Freedom of the Publisher: Editors evaluate the submitted article proposals by taking into account their compliance with the scope of the journal and the importance and originality of their work. Editors do not take into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality or political views of the authors submitting the article proposal. Other institutions other than the editorial board of the journal cannot influence the decision to edit or publish. The editors take care that the published issues contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific field and that they are original.
Independence: The relationship between the Editors (Editor and Associate Editors) and the publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. According to the written agreement between the editors and the publisher, all decisions of the editors are independent of the publisher and the journal owner. Editors should reject incomplete and inaccurate research that does not comply with the journal policy, publication rules and level without any influence.
Confidentiality: Editors do not share information about a submitted article with anyone other than the responsible author, referees and editorial board. It ensures that the articles evaluated by at least two referees are evaluated according to the double-blind refereeing system and keeps the referees confidential.
Disclosure and Disagreements: Editors and editorial board members do not use unpublished information in a submitted article for their own research purposes without the express written consent of the authors. Editors should not have a conflict of interest regarding the articles they accept or reject.
Publishing Decision: Editors ensure that all articles accepted for publication are subject to peer-review by at least two referees who are experts in their field. Editors are responsible for deciding which work will be published from the articles submitted to the journal, the validity of the work in question, its importance to researchers and readers, comments by referees and such legal requirements. Editors have the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. Therefore, he has to use his responsibility and authority appropriately and on time.
Ethical Concerns: Editors will take action when ethical concerns arise regarding a submitted article or published article. As a matter of fact, they continue their business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards. Any reported unethical publishing behavior will be investigated, even if it occurs years after publication. Editors follow COPE Flowcharts should ethical concerns arise. If ethical issues are significant, correction, withdrawal can be applied or concerns can be published in the journal.
Collaboration with Journal Boards: Editors ensure that all members of the advisory committee advance processes in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines. Informs the members of the advisory board about the publication policies. It enables the members of the advisory board to evaluate their work independently. It can contribute to new advisory board members and make decisions accordingly. It should submit studies appropriate to the expertise of advisory board members for evaluation. Regularly interacts with the advisory board. Organizes regular meetings with the editorial board for editorial policies and journal development.
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
All works must be evaluated with "Blind Refereeing". The evaluation process of our journal is carried out with the principle of double-blind refereeing. Referees cannot directly communicate with authors, evaluations and comments are submitted through the journal management system. In this process, reviewer comments on evaluation forms and full texts are forwarded to the author(s) through the field editor. In this context, it is expected that the reviewers evaluating the work for our journal will have the following ethical responsibilities:
Only work related to the area of expertise should accept evaluation.
It should evaluate with impartiality and confidentiality.
If he thinks he is facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, he should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor.
In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they should destroy the studies they have examined after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed after they are published.
It should make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not be allowed to influence the evaluation.
The assessment should be made in a constructive and courteous manner. Do not make derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
They must perform the work they accept to evaluate in a timely manner and with the above ethical responsibilities.
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